At Madhatter Bookshop we love Poetry from Robert Browning to Phoebe Stuckes and William Blake to Michael Rosen.
An Emotional Menagerie is an emotional glossary for children. A book of 26 rhyming poems, arranged alphabetically, that bring our feelings to life. Emotions are like animals: No two are quite the same. Some are quiet; some are fierce; And all are hard to tame. - Anger, Boredom, Curiosity, Dreaminess, Embarrassment, Fear, Guilt, and more. The poems transform each emotion into a different animal to provide a clear and engaging illustration of its character: how it arises; how it makes us behave and how we can learn to manage its effects. Boasting a rich vocabulary, the poems also give children a wide variety of options for describing their feelings to others.
To celebrate our love of all things poetic we are asking you to express an emotion in a poem. Drop it in to the bookshop or email if you prefer to and a copy of this lovely book could be winging its way to you. There are also £5 Book tokens for every poem that moves us!
Deadline is 15th October! We look forward to hearing from you!