The bookshop has just received a new batch of freshly printed bookmarks from our printer - when selecting suppliers I have a brief tick box list - such as are they sustainable and are they inclusive. tick lots of boxes and I am delighted to work with them.
Included in my delivery was a note explaining that as February is LGBTQ+ History Month will be donating from every order to a leading LGBTQ+ charity here in the UK. Mermaids focus their work on offering essential support to trans, non binary and gender diverse young people and offer support and education to their families.
I hope everybody who comes into The Madhatter Bookshop feels comfortable, it is a place to browse, read and relax, free from discrimination or judgement of any kind - whatever your race, age, sexual orientation or ability. * see footnote
As a straight white woman I can only lay claim to one out of three on the discrimination scale but I did grow up with friends who suffered at the hands of Section 28 and I feel the fact that 52% of Generation Z identify as not strictly heterosexual is one to be celebrated - a positive sign of the times that we are on the right path. I am not kidding myself that we still have a very long way to go but I am confident that we will reach that discrimination free destination.
Cultivate kindness, share the love.
Footnote: Trump and Boris supporters are under review ;)))